ASPiH Affiliations

Want to join ASPiH as an Affiliate organisation?

Contact: ASPiH Admin [email protected] 

Our growing Institutional and Individual membership is helping us to establish and strengthen links and networks involved in the development of the current and future healthcare workforce, as well as influencing quality and patient safety improvement within the UK and beyond.

As we recognise that we can achieve far more when we work together, we have affiliation agreements with UK, European and world wide associations.  These agreements vary and further detail on specific benefits to ASPiH members can be found below. If you want to take advantage of any discounts offered by our affiliates agreements, please contact [email protected] 

If you are part of an organisation and are interested in exploring an affiliate relationship with ASPiH get in touch with us: [email protected] 

ASPiH members are entitled to a 10% discount on the standard rate to attend the SESAM annual meeting.
ASPiH members are entitled to a 10% discount on membership to Sim Ghosts and vice versa. ASPiH members are entitled to a 10% discount to Sim Ghosts events.
Your membership in ASPiH provides you with the benefit of a discounted membership to become an SSH member. Those ASPiH members who are interested in SSH certification shall be provided with the SSH member rate on CHSE, CHSE-A and CHOS exams.
ASPiH members can get a 20% discount on membership to BACCN and vice versa.
ASPiH members can get up to 15% discount on The Debriefing Academy content - including courses.
ASPiH members can get a 20% discount on membership and conference and vice versa.
Participation in SOCHISIM-ASPIH Spanish translated Journal Club
iRIS is a unique, collaborative, web-based platform to help you design high quality scenarios/cases that offer the best learning experience possible, as well as helping you get the best value from the investments you have made in simulation resources. Find out more at:

We also are very pleased to have affiliate agreements in place with the following organisations: