Year round networking and education
From virtual reality to creating psychological safety , these webinars keep you up to date with the latest in healthcare based simulation and interactive learning.
Members of the ASPIH exec committee and colleagues will host regular webinars and we encourage you to join them.
Dates are listed below:
Recorded Webinars can be accessed via the ASPiH Portal
Upcoming Webinars
Simulation Journal Club: 2025

Maternity SIG Webinar
Transformative simulation to reduce inequality in maternity - case study on postpartum haemorrhage
Date: 5th March 2025
Time: 18.30-19.30
Register here
Ms Karen Joash
Consultant Obstetrician & Gynaecologist, Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust
Lead for NHS Race Health Observatory Postpartum Haemorrhage Reduction Project
Dr Anita Banerjee
Consultant Obstetric Physician, Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust
Chair Maternity SIG
Ms Lisa Cook
Specialist Midwife in Maternal Medicine, Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Co-char Maternity SIG
Miss Natasha Sharman
ST6 Specialist Registrar in Obstetrics & Gynaecology
Co-chair Maternity SIG
Target audience:
• All health practitioners who look after pregnant women and are interested in improving maternal outcomes, particularly members of the ambulance service, general practice or emergency department staff.
• Simulation practitioners interested in incorporating maternity simulation into their simulation portfolios, or interested in using simulation to reduce health inequality.
Session outline and aims:
• Introduce the aims of the maternity SIG
• Discuss the importance of postpartum haemorrhage and the inequalities in outcomes dependent on mother's race
• Discuss a prototype postpartum haemorrhage scenario that you can adapt to your clinical setting
• Discuss ways to adapt your existing training scenarios to include:
o education on recognising the critically unwell non-white woman
o discussion of the ways race and culture can affect response to critically unwell non-white women and how to convey this in debrief
Previous Webinars
Future Presenters - ASPIH webinar series for members

If you’d like to present a webinar for our ASPiH members please do get in touch HERE.
Our webinar sessions are usually an hour – but we can be longer or create a series of sessions if this suits your topic.
ASPiH will host the session, with a minimum of one executive member hosting the session to support you.
We utilise MS Teams or Zoom: Zoom is our preference to have a recording of the session for members to go back to watch.
The format can be a didactic presentation, an interview style conversation, and include elements of interaction afforded to us via the virtual platform.
We ask for presenters to
- Create a session title
- Prepare a short outline of the session with 1-3 learning outcomes & signposting to references if applicable
- Supply correct name and job title
- Consider if you’d like an associated twitter chat – either pre- or post the webinar: the benefits are varied inc. to start or continue the learning conversation – ASPiH can pre-load questions on twitter so you don’t have to do that – we would just need to help compose a few questions and a hashtag – max 6 for the twitter chat hour
Its also possible to sponsor one of our webinars ,please do get in touch HERE.