ASPiH Special Interest Groups (SIGs)
Purpose: to improve standards and develop shared expertise through communities of practice which can be applied to benefit the use of simulation in healthcare education, research and patient safety improvement.
Structure: Each SIG will be chaired by a member of the ASPiH community and have an linked executive member to act as a conduit of information with the ASPiH Exec and conference local committee [LC]
For further information email [email protected]
Transformative Simulation Special Interest Group (SIG)
ASPiH Executive SIG Leads: Sharon M Weldon; Andy Buttery
We define Transformative Simulation as:
“A tool to transform health & care through collective understanding, insight and learning.”
Are you frustrated by delivering or wanting to deliver innovative simulation but are hampered in being unable to find a formal, conventional structure to describe, design and evaluate it?
Transformative Simulation could be the solution, the objective of this SIG is to contribute to making it so.
What is Transformative Simulation?
Transformative simulation is an umbrella term for simulation activities that are non-pedagogical, that is, they are not designed and structured around pre-specified learning outcomes. Instead, simulation is used to innovate, improve, intervene, involve, identify, include or influence (the 7 SBI’s). It can do several of these things at once and includes specific simulation applications such as translational simulation, simulation-based improvement, and simulation-based interventions.
Understanding the principles and components of transformative simulation will help you ask the best questions and chose the best criteria to design, evaluate and report your non-pedagogical simulation activity.
The transformative simulation SIG will focus on the application of 7 rainbow Simulation-Based Interventions (SBI) in describing and understanding non-pedagogic simulation activities.
The vision for Transformative Simulation (TS) – and for this Special Interest Group (SIG) – is to support our Simulationists to:
Understand the concept and add to its development
Consider what primary, secondary, and perhaps tertiary SBI’s apply to a TS activity.
Utilise this knowledge in robust and rigorous design, evaluation, and reporting
Be able to search the literature more easily for relevant evidence, and to combine evidence
Contribute to the ongoing debate about the nature, breadth, challenges, and opportunities of TS as a living and evolving concept.
Next Meeting dates
21st March 13:00
Terms of reference
The purpose of the Transformative Simulation SIG is to form an inclusive, collegiate, group of people: service-users, technicians, educators, practitioners, subject-matter experts, and others who will build a collaborative community of practice involved in the study and development of Transformative Simulation. This means contributing to the growing body of knowledge by sharing insights, examples and knowledge to advance the field and our understanding of it.
We are continuing our monthly ASPiH Tech SIG meet ups, which will run online every month. Each monthly meeting will alternate between webinar format (guest speakers on specific topics informed by our members, with opportunity to ask questions and have discussion about the latest tech issues) and progressing the work of the ASPiH Technical Special Interest Group (key workstreams, meeting the needs of SIG members and conference 2023). To attend or present at these meetings, contact [email protected]
Co-Chair: Chris Gay [email protected]
Chris is currently working with HEE as part of the The National Simulation & Immersive Learning Faculty Development Project Team. his role is working with centres nationally to ensure that they are equipped with the resources and skills to keep up with the demands of emerging technologies and their role in providing education to our future healthcare workforce. Chris previously worked in Medical Education Technical Team Lead for Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust. He had over 10 years’ experience in working to enhance learning with technology, ranging from working with individuals to maximise their use of technology right through to project managing large scale technological installations. He is keen to be involved with regional and national roles to further the understanding of the difference that the learning technologists can make to healthcare education.
The ASPiH TechSIG has been active since Oxford 2012, over 60 technicians have engaged at various conferences and the community continues to grow!
If you are interested in getting involved, please contact Chris, we would love to hear from you!
Relevant documents:
ASPiH TechSIG Terms of reference
Other documents of interest uploaded by the Chair of the TECH SIG
A huge warm welcome to our new Co Chairs for the Group Tim Mason and Rachel Bebb!
A group aiming to bring tother paediatric simulation educators in the UK to share good practice and help each other with challenges.
Please contact us if you'd like to be linked in with the group and with others in your region.
Chair: Prof Crisitna Cristina Diaz-Navarro
Cristina Diaz-Navarro has led the Standards Working Group over the past 18 months on a 2023 version of the ASPiH Standards >link to web page< .
Other members of the Standards and Accreditation working group include Prof Makani Purva, Dr Micheal Moneypenny (both a past Presidents of ASPiH, and both Anaesthetists), Colette Laws-Chapman a Registered Nurse and Simulation Practitioner and our current president.
And we have other SIG members including Paul O’Conner, Charles Everard and Mary Holding.
The new Standards will be launched at ASPIH Conference 2023 and we will embark on an implementation programme with stakeholders and our members.
We will also be supporting the alignment of the accreditation processes.
We are keen to reach out to members and stakeholders to join this Special Interest Group as your input is vital to the next steps (as they were in their design).
For more information and to join the SIG, please email into us at [email protected]
For more information, please visit the Accreditation page
ASPiH Simulation Research Special Interest Group
ASPiH Executive SIG Lead: Sharon M Weldon
Purpose: To provide a platform to share and promote research within the ASPiH community.
As part of the group's purpose we seek to:
- Support opportunities to learn and develop research skills
- Foster collaborative research and the sharing of evidence and approaches
- Provide tailored research support and expertise to those who might need it
Meeting: The SIG will meet annually at ASPiH’s annual conference and other ASPiH events throughout the year as required. These meetings will be an opportunity for all attendees to share ideas, practice, and request support from the community.
We encourage anyone with an interest to attend! See you at conference!
PC SIG Leads:
Dr Jane Roome, Kent Surrey and Sussex (KSS) GP Fellow in simulation, Lead for KSS PC Simulation Faculty, and ASPiH executive member
Professor Gerry Gormley, Chair in Simulation and Clinical Skills, Centre for Medical Education, Queen's University, Belfast
Professor Dominic Patterson, National Clinical Advisor for Technology Enhanced Learning in Primary Care, NHS England
Aims: The aim of the PC SIG is to bring PC based educators, interested in or already involved in simulation based education (SBE), together to share the unique challenges in delivering SBE to primary care staff and collaborate on enablers, so that we can enhance and contribute to conversations regarding the benefits of simulation training and expand access to the PC workforce.
We welcome everyone who works in primary care to the group and extend the invitation to anyone delivering SBE in a non traditional setting, including colleagues in Community and Social Care, to join us in and sharing and expanding our knowledge together.
We will launch the group at the ASPiH conference on 8th November. For those who can't attend then please contact us to join the group and for more information regarding future meetings.
Next Meeting dates
Tuesday 10th September at 12.30pm
ASPiH SIG leads:
- Hannah Ames - Senior Lecturer, Plymouth Marjon University
- Deputy Chair Colette Laws-Chapman
We are a group of colleagues with a passion for sustainability. Through this new group we are aiming to create a space for simulation practitioners utilising the breadth of simulation activities in health and care, to discuss sustainability, share good practice and the evidence to support it.
Our plan is to develop some sustainable simulation and clinical skills education guidance and raise awareness of how we can all assist in environmental sustainability, as well as consider co-benefits such as financial savings and social responsibility.
Please contact us if you'd like to be linked in with this group.
Our short to medium goal is to establish an ASPiH Sustainability SIG online forum, and consider relevant research, audit, and quality improvement programmes to implement and support the guidance.
Membership: all ASPiH members are welcome. We are a community of professionals, with different practices and different levels of experience with debriefing on simulation. Anyone can join in and share as they feel comfortable to.
Email: [email protected]
ASPiH SIG leads:
Colette Laws-Chapman, Diego Olmo-Ferrer and Nathan Oliver
We are a group aiming to create a space for simulation educators utilising debriefing methods in healthcare, to discuss techniques, share good practice and help each other develop our skills and networks.
Please contact us if you'd like to be linked in with the group.
Our short to medium goal is to establish an ASPiH Meta Debrief Club.
Aim: To create a community of practice around debriefing, creating space for sharing and reflecting on our debriefing practices for the purpose of enhancing performance and assuring quality.
Membership: all ASPiH members are welcome. We are a community of professionals, with different practices and different levels of experience with debriefing on simulation. Anyone can join in and share as they feel comfortable to.
Drivers for the meta debrief club - people who work remotely or don't have that kind of support established in their work setting. Meta debriefing supports Quality Assurance and CPD (opportunity for reflections for Accreditation for example)
Terms of Reference
The SIG Chairs would like to hear from anyone who is interested in joining the ASPiH Human Factors & Ergonomics SIG. They are keen to hear peoples ideas, experiences, or connections to share from their own practice or wider afield that might be of interest to this SIG community.
Members from all professions and industry are welcome, please contact Bryn or Al by email.
Co - chair: Bryn Baxendale [email protected]
Bryn is a Consultant Anaesthetist & Director of Trent Simulation & Clinical Skills Centre in Nottingham. He is the Immediate Past President of ASPiH, and is a member of the HEE TEL Steering group and the Learning to be Safer Expert Group. His primary interest is the application and integration of Human Factors science within healthcare educational curricula and also in clinical practice.
Co - chair: Al Ross [email protected]
Al is a Chartered Ergonomist and Human Factors Expert (CErgHF) and Fellow of the Royal Society for Public Health. He is a Lecturer in Behavioural Science at University of Glasgow Dental School and also the Human Factors Lead at the Centre for Applied Resilience in Healthcare at King’s College London. He sits on the Scottish Patient Safety Programme Steering Group for Dentistry in Primary Care and is on the Editorial Board of BMJ Simulation & Technology Enhanced Learning.
He is interested in engaging with people to discuss and develop many aspects of HFE applied to simulation and healthcare, especially with regards to using simulation to explore resilient systems, and HFE-based interventions that show improvements for patient care.